“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Each individual, has a vibrational frequency whether they realize it or not.
There is a vibrational frequency of energy that expands across the universe. Frequency is described as the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light). Energy is the property of matter and radiation which manifests as a capacity to perform work .“ Energy is in all living cells whether human, plant or animal.
According to the science of quantum physics, this energy is continuously moving through time and space, at various speeds causing it to vibrate. Similar to unseen radio waves that broadcast news, talk & music, your vibrational frequency emanates from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Each individual, whether they acknowledge it or not has this energy around them and within and everyone has a different vibration. A high oscillating vibration aligns you to the flow of life. Synchronisms align effortlessly, a natural flow of abundance and you experience more overall optimism. Lower vibrations welcome in more egoic emotions such as, pride, fear and shame. These states are not inherently all bad, rather they help us address the areas of our lives that need healing.
Since you are in the driver seat of your life, you have the power to turn the radio dial on anything that’s bringing you disharmony. It’s the small little shifts we integrate into our lives that make the difference. Here are 16 suggestions on how to raise your vibrational frequency:
Become conscious of your thoughts
Our thoughts shape our reality, become mindful of what comes up for you on a daily basis. No judgement here, there is a wealth of knowledge that comes through our thoughts. You can identify your limiting beliefs, your choices and your disharmonies. Open your mind and listen to the messages coming from within.
Practice Gratitude
Adopt an attitude for gratitude. When we choose to be thankful for the things we have now versus for what we wish we had later, we literally rewire our brains to see the greatness that surrounds us all. In turn we bring in more acceptance, love, joy and peace, which are all very high vibrating emotional states to be in.
Meditation is often misconceived. It’s much more than just clearing the mind and keeping it quiet. It’s a sacred time we get to carve out for ourselves to listen to our intuition. It’s an act of getting really still & quiet to observe our thoughts with no judgement. It’s a tool we get to use to empty our cup, wipe the whiteboard of our mind clean & strengthen our connection to our truth.
Being conscious of what you eat
Food, just like anything else we consume is information. When we are eating fresh, alive, nutritious foods, we are going to feel energized, vibrant & lively. Consequently when we are eating fast, fried or processed foods, we are going to feel heavy & lethargic. We won’t suggest any one diet, but rather just invite you to take a look at what you’re consuming, how it makes you feel and if that is in alignment with where you want to be vibrating.
Earthing – Years of extensive research has shown that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy, by walking barefoot on grass, sand, dirt or rock can diminish chronic pain, fatigue and other ailments that plague so many people today. This connection is referred to as Earthing or Grounding.
To put it briefly, when your bare feet or skin comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into the body. These electrons could be referred to as nature’s biggest antioxidants and help neutralise damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body. The Earth is a conductor or free electrons and so are all living things on the planet, including us. The body is composed of mostly of water and minerals which in combination are excellent conductors of electrons from the Earth providing there is direct skin contact or some other conductive channel for them to flow through.
Exercise – move your body
Whether its walking, running, tai chi, qi gong, kundalini or yoga, even small amounts of physical exercise can lift you out of emotional ruts and boost healthy endorphins. You don’t even have to sweat but, imagine as you exercise that you are shifting your frequency from one state to another.
Keep your home clean and change things around / organize environment
Open the curtains, tidy up your clutter, change the feng shui every once in awhile. Your home has vibration and energy in it as well. When we let clutter stack up or leave things stagnant for long periods of time, the energy follows suit. Cleaning up our space invites in fresh energy, clearing your old clutter creates space for the new and changing up the feng shui will clear out any old or stagnant energy.
Laughter is truly medicine. Ever had a bad day and a good laugh turn everything around? When we approach life from a lighthearted place, our dilemmas in life begin to feel smaller. Osho once said, “Life as such has to be taken as cosmic joke – and then suddenly you relax because there is nothing to be tense about. And in that very relaxation something starts changing in you.”
Change your environment -Talk to new people
A big part of the reason we find ourselves feeling stuck or lost in life is because, we are doing the same thing everyday over and over again. There’s no variety! Have no fear though, there is tons of things we can do to change it up. Take a nice nature walk, take that new colleague out for tea, or buy a new house plant. When we switch up the environment, we switch up the energy.
Create positive affirmations and say them frequently
Affirmations are a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind but, they have to be from the heart. Sure, you can look up a thousand affirmations on pinterest but, if they don’t mean anything to you then they won’t work. Start by creating a list of empowering beliefs that you currently have or want to have, such as: I am powerful, I am abundant, I am loved, I am whole and complete. I am on my way and have all the tools I need in order to be successful. Now, that you have your list, say them frequently and watch the magic unfold.
Be Open Minded
If we live our entire lives from one perspective our ability to grow or raise our frequency will be limited. An open minded comes with a level of honesty that we aren’t all knowing. Open mindedness helps us grow and learn about ourselves because, no matter what truth we find we acknowledge there is always more to realize.
Do things differently
You have to do something differently, to get different results right? If you aren’t getting the results you hope for, it’s time to take a look at your daily behavior. Ask yourself, “What should I be doing to hit my goals?’ “What different actions do I need to be taking?” For example, if you want to get in shape, are you willing to exercise & eat right? Or if you want to start a business, are you willing to work on your business everyday? Even small changes can be all you need to get better results and ultimately raise your frequency.
Reduce watching television and social media
Of this list, this may be one of the most important takeaways. When we are watching television or immersed in social media, we are subjected to a world of everyone else’s thoughts, opinions and beliefs. Too much of this skews our perception of the world and we begin to adopt thoughts that don’t belong to us. We subject ourselves to virtual worlds that are designed to look perfect, leaving us in a lack or scarcity mindset. Many social media addicts are crippled with anxiety & depression. When we reduce these two activities in our life, we open ourselves up to be more present and we give ourselves the gift of time to work on those unfinished projects and the space to try something new.
Forgive and accept others – let go of shame, guilt and victimization
Understand that we are all at a unique point in our lives. No one is better or worse, just different. Let us forgive and accept others for who they are and where they are on their journey. Shame, guilt and victim consciousness are heavy vibrations that keep us low. Instead replace these with love, acceptance and oneness consciousness. We are all apart of the same co-creative consciousness and as we accept others for as they are we all benefit from that healing.
Let go of grudges and people that don’t serve your purpose
When you are resentful towards people or situations, you are actually harboring anger. The thing about this anger is that it’s not hurting them, it’s hurting you. Now, we aren’t saying you need to forgive anyone or forget anything. These grudges or people have made up your experience and that is important. Ask yourself, how is this grudge affecting me and my ability to grow? Then, and only then you can decide if now is the time to let it go.
Spend time around positive people
How do you feel after spending time with your social circle? Do you feel uplifted, empowered and supported? Or do you feel drained and lethargic. They say you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. So take note of the people around you. Are you dealing with friends or frenemies? Your spiritual health depends on making the decision to be around positive people.
There are thousands of ways to raise your vibration but, these are a great way to start. Remember to integrate these practices in at your pace, these aren’t meant to be like items off a checklist. These are meant to be joyful activities and things we “get to” do, it’s all about your mindset & how it makes you feel.
energy flows where attention goes
My mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully, embrace worldly travel, and engage in meaningful service to uplift communities wherever we go.