“I’m writing my story so that others might see fragments of themselves.”
Lena Waithe, screenwriter for Bones and Master of None
Life is a celebration of love, growth and passion.
When I was 20, I discovered traveling was my passion. Growing up in California, I’d always dreamed of reaching further. Traveling allowed me to explore and learn. Visiting gorgeous new places was captivating but experiencing them was unrivaled. A whirlwind had overtaken my life.
My first jobs were in retail. I sold stickers for my grandparents at the swap meet, then clothes at the mall until I signed with a modeling agency and moved to LA. A couple months after I moved, I fell in love and began a serious, long-term relationship with a very successful man. That’s when the traveling began. New foods, sites and cultures excited me. My travel blog became the perfect outlet to record my adventures. My path seemed to be set on its course.
But it never is.
The relationship ended leaving me heartbroken, lost and depressed.
So, I returned to my passion, but this time with a new motive. Traveling with a program, Remote Year, was the time I needed to reflect on self and purpose. Four months in Asia became my Eat, Pray, Love tour. I learned to enjoy time alone. I healed.
Meditation brought me a much-needed peace. The world of mindfulness and consciousness opened to me and I dove in. Religious study quickly followed. I became fascinated with fragrance in healing practices — candles and essential oils that soothe, calm and heal. When I got back to LA, I honed all I had learned and relaunched my blog, this time linking travel to mindfulness.
Still, I wanted to pass on this knowledge in a more physical way.
Every culture has a religion, or some fundamental truth they are raised on, and every culture loves a party. Candles happen to be a prominent part of both. Our spiritual and celebratory lives are accentuated by candles. Their scent evokes memory. They create an atmosphere and can change our mood. Candles are simple but powerful.
Inspiration struck. I wanted to build a company that adapts spirituality and celebration to modern life. Something to inspire daily ritual and community. Our motto — Meditate all day, party all night.
As soon as the words struck me, I knew I had to get my mom onboard. My best friend, my mom, has sacrificed so much for me to have a beautiful life. Balance in everything, is everything. You give a little so you can take a little. Sleep well so you can wake up. Work hard so you can relax. Our company lives in this balance. We’re not about anything too Zen, too fashionable or too beauty centric. We are about connection and mindfulness for everyday life. Intention candles are just the start, our company is a lifestyle.
Meditate all day, party all night!
After I had my daughter Keir at 22 years old, I had to quit college and find a job. Providing for my daughter and giving her a positive childhood became my priority. I fell into a career with a construction company and worked my way up to a construction project manager. At my current company, my clients have included Hulu, Netflix, Facebook, UCLA Health, USC and Disney, to name a few. My career in a male-dominated field has had its obstacles, but I learned to hold my own, and hopefully set a good example for Keir as she was growing up.
Working 9 to 5 and raising a daughter did not leave much time for self-care, which is a relatively new phenomena for me in itself. I was able to find my balance by volunteering on my own time while working for an income. My life was fruitful, but I fantasized of marrying the two. To have a full time job of inspiration and charity has always been my dream. With my adventurous daughter, my catalyst. Keir and I have decided to build this company together. Candles are not new territory for me. When I was paying for Keir to go to private school, I looked for a side hustle. I started selling candles for a multi-level company, hosting parties in our little apartment or visiting clients at home. I love the product, and now I get to add my personal touch to the work. I also used to ride around in an rv selling crystals when I was in high school. We are passionate in supporting others spiritually and emotionally and keeping our company socially responsible. We are intentional with our footprint and hope to inspire others to be as well.
Our mission is to help people expand their consciousness and elevate their vibes by creating products that help them manifest their intentions and live their best mindful lives.
We create products that wake up the senses.
Discover your intention through meditation. Our scents encourage positivity and promote wellness for all the life struggles. We draw from different cultures and our own travels to bring a mindful experience to daily life.
Psychologically, scent and memory are linked. Religiously, candles have been used as cleansing agents since 3,000 BCE in rituals and daily life. Even at its simplest form, the act of sitting down and taking a moment to breathe, to literally smell the roses, instantly grounds and relaxes. Reflect and give thanks.
Soak in the moment so you can enjoy the next.
Our products encourage connection and connection brings love — to yourself, to others, to the universe. You send out love, you get it back. If everyone engaged in this love cycle, we would live in a more positive, happy world. So, we not only promote connection through our mindful products, but financially as well. Buy a candle and a donation will be made to one of our favorite charities. Keep flowing through the love cycle.
We want to help you live a more mindful life, expand your consciousness, and guide you on your journey.
Our intention candles and aromatherapy cleansing sprays are for everyone and every religion!
“Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.” We love possibility. We stay curious. We are open-minded to differences in culture and sentiment and we choose to learn from one another and evolve into better human beings, together.
We are in this together. We want to bring people physically together and will organize events to reconnect individuals to the community.
Mother earth is our home. We respect our home and its gifts. We make a promise to use sustainable practices whenever possible.
We love the Universe! Amen, hallelujah. Let’s pop the champagne. We believe wild moments are just as vital as silent ones. We’re here, so we might as well make it interesting.
We remind ourselves to be grateful for everything in our lives, both good and bad.
We do not exist alone. We pass on our love and our gifts to our customers, but we also pass on a portion of proceeds to awesome organizations in need.
I hope you enjoy reading our journey into entreneurship and would love any advice you have on products you love!
Much love,
Keir & my mom Stephanie
I want to build my company in a very authentic way with an engaging story and information so that my customer can truly get to know my mom and me! Whenever I discover a new company, I immediately read their story and see if I want to support them or not. That is why it took me about 5 weeks to write this about page with the help of an editor, Maggie. I am sure by the time we launch, the story will change but since I am already discovering new products I want to create and sell.
energy flows where attention goes
My mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully, embrace worldly travel, and engage in meaningful service to uplift communities wherever we go.