“Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive, because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.”
By now most of us have either read the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne or watched the movie which talks all about the law of attraction. Now days we here everyone talking about “energy” and “good vibes only.”
They key message from The Secret is that we all have the ability to create our own reality and that we can manifest anything we want in life as long as we believe it and take action.
I remember when I was in high school, I watched the movie What The Bleep Do We Know and didn’t truly understand the message of the movie since I was so young and in my teenage self absorbed days….but loved learning about quantum physics. Now that I am older, I am obsessed and fascinated with intentions, the law of attraction, energy, our souls and consciousness. All I read and listen to on Youtube and audible is self help books.
As Wayne Dyer states – “No one knows enough to be a pessimist about anything. That each and everyone of us – when we close our mind to what is possible for us or what is possible to humanity closes off the genius that lies within all of us.”
We all have potential for greatness and can arise to any challenges that are in front of us at any moment. This moment right now while you are reading or listening to this – you can make a change.
I have been studying advanced manifest techniques and came across The Miracle Equation which is something every successful person uses. And always remember success is not just about how much money you make. Success is also how you treat others or how you handle the situation you are in. For example, my best friend Grace just had a baby and is a stay at home mom. Although she is not working, she is has an intent to be the best mom and raise her son Enzo with love and deep care and that brings her personal success.
Unwavering faith: A belief in a reality that may not be physically realized
An inner knowing that you will accomplish your dreams
A belief in that vision – it is a knowing
A belief in a reality that is not in the reality you are currently in.
The best thing is to listen to stories of people that have achieved greatness from being in a weak place
Read books and research on Youtube
Its not hopeful its a knowing
Many successful people failed big at first
All these people kept doing what they were doing and now look at their legacies.
Extra ordinary effort – every single day do something that works towards your goals. Take action and put in the extra effort
“You will find different ways to accomplish that vision you have” – Aaron Doughty
You go above and beyond that which most people are willing to do.
You being consistent to your word and following through.
“There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle or as though everything is a miracle”
– Albert Einstein
It’s safe to say that creating miracles is your decision then.
Unwavering faith and extraordinary effort is essentially trusting your intuition and setting SMART goals.
Which makes success feel attainable for anyone when you think about it. Many successful people were born normal, tapped into this energy and we’re able to accomplish their wildest dreams. You can too.
Miracle:a remarkable event or development that brings welcome consequences.
Maven: Yiddish word meyvn and Hebrew word mebhin meaning “one who understands.”
Affirmations: the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed.
I have been using affirmations for years but, felt like they never really worked and now I know why. They are untrue statements. “I am marrying the man of my dreams!” Well if you are not in a relationship or even dating someone then you are lying to yourself.
When used correctly, science has proven that affirmations are an effective tool for accomplishing your life’s goals or purpose. Unfortunately the formula behind the way affirmations have been taught for decades has been flawed and misunderstood.
So-called experts and guru’s have miscommunicated the idea that affirmations help your mind arrive to a particular state before your life does. This has resulted in affirmations that are not based out of truth and when we recite them over and over again, we are lying to ourselves. This may be why a big group of individuals have lost faith in affirmations.
There is a big difference between:
I am a millionare
Than :
I am committed to making a million dollars with my startup by January 1st 2021
Here are four simple steps that have helped me evolve the power of my affirmations. Miracle Morning affirmations aim to program your conscious and subconscious mind to be in control of your destiny, providing high levels or productivity towards your personal success. All of the actions and examples in these steps come from Hal Elrod himself.
Your “why” is the most important part of your journey. Notice that I didn’t start with “What you want?” Everyone wants things, but wanting them doesn’t get you them alone. When you’re building the road map and compass for the accomplishment of actualizing your souls contract, your “why” is your core belief and motivation that keeps you strong when things get tough or heavy.
Action: As suggested by Hal Elrod the author of Miracle Morning start by writing down a (specific) extraordinary result/outcome—one that challenges you and would significantly improve your life—which you ready to commit to creating (even if you’re not yet sure how you will do it). Then, reinforce your commitment by including your WHY—the compelling benefits that you’ll get to experience.
Examples: I am committed to doubling my income in the next 12 months, from $_______ to $_______ so that I can provide financial security for my family. Or… I am 100 percent committed to losing _____ pounds and weighing _____ pounds by _______ (date) so that I can set an example of health and fitness for my kids.
It’s one thing to create affirmations with these tips and techniques but, you also need an action plan. An affirmation without necessary actions is pretty counterproductive if you ask me. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. The more specific your actions are, the better. Be sure to include frequency (how often), quantity (how many), and precise times frames (what times you’ll begin and end your activities).
Action: Clarify the specific action, activity, or habit that is required for you to achieve your ideal outcome, and clearly state when and how often you will execute the necessary action.
Examples: To guarantee that I double my income, I am committed to doubling my daily prospecting calls from 20 to 40 calls, five days a week, from 8-9 a.m., no matter what. Or… To ensure that I lose ____ pounds, I am 100 percent committed to going to the gym five days every week and running on the treadmill for a minimum of 20 minutes each day, from 6-7 a.m.
These types of affirmations aren’t only designed with the intention of making you feel good. These are written statements that you strategically curate to reprogram your overall mindset, they aim to keep you on your path to accomplishing your soul’s contract, breaking a habit or your life’s purpose.
With that being said, in order for them to be as effective as they can possibly be, it’s beneficial to recite daily, with real emotion while truly believing it. Let’s say you are trying to become a more calm driver, if you are repeating your affirmation angrily while sitting in traffic, your subconscious mind will call bologna. This is because, your affirmation is being associated with a challenging emotion and quite frankly you don’t even believe in yourself.
Our words are extremely powerful and we must take responsibility for what we say, how we say it and what we believe when we are saying it.
Action: Schedule time each morning to read your affirmations, both to program your subconscious and focus your conscious mind on what’s most important to you and what you are committed to doing to make it your reality. That’s right, you must read them daily. Reading an occasional affirmation is as effective as getting an occasional workout. You’ll start seeing results only once you’ve made them a part of your daily routine.
As you continue to grow, accomplish and evolve, so should your affirmations. When you have completed one part of your soul’s purpose, check in, update your goals, dreams or any other ambitious result you want to create for your life and either add it to your affirmations or replace/revamp ones that have already worked.
Now that the mystery of miracles has been solved, the work can begin. Many miracle mavens have come before you and many are bound to come after. Will you be one? The decision is yours to make. The life you want and are willing to create is your birthright.
energy flows where attention goes
My mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully, embrace worldly travel, and engage in meaningful service to uplift communities wherever we go.