Each and every new day brings us new possibilities, new opportunities & new experiences. There is so much to extract out of the elixir of life. What if, instead of putting our self care on the back burner we made space for it first thing in the morning? Creating a morning ritual has a powerful impact on your state of consciousness as well as setting the foundation for the rest of the day. Of course, we all know that every day adds up into creating a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Creating a morning routine & ritual helps build a strong body, mind and spirit. Building a solid foundation for your day can help you handle any unforeseen obstacles or challenges that may come your way with grace and maturity.
Starting one doesn’t have to be difficult, I’ll walk you through my morning routine & rituals and offer some advice on starting your own. Remember, “You are what you repeatedly do and think” so why not establish a routine for greatness.
Every morning I wake up to meditate or do hypnotherapy for 20- 30 minutes. After, I immediately think of a few things that I am grateful for and set an intention for the day. I then dry brush my body which moves your lymph system while chanting mantras or listening to frequency music. I do not drink caffeine since it gives me anxiety and instead drink a peach detox tea from Yogi with lemon and then 10 minutes later I drink celery juice or a plant based protein drink from Vega with warm almond milk for breakfast. I am not really a breakfast person so I try to wait to eat my first meal around 12 or 1pm. If I have time, I will read a few pages from a book, fill my High Performance Planner or I write a few pages from The Artist Way which I highly recommend to any creative individuals who need inspiration. Sometimes I only write in the mornings 2-3 days a week but that’s better than nothing. I also understand that not every morning I will be able to do this full ritual but my intent is to do this at least 4-5 days a week.
So your routine doesn’t have to look anything like mine, that’s just an example. The best morning routines are simple, easy to repeat & meaningful to you. Be realistic to what’s attainable for you each morning, this isn’t supposed to be daunting items on your to-do list, but more so something that will benefit you. A mother’s morning routine will look much different than an athletes or that of someone who works a 9-5.
Tony Robbins even suggests that “Priming doesn’t have to be a long process.” He offers some simple tips to choose from.
Sit- Taking that extra moment in the morning to sit actively. Plant your feet on the ground and feel into you body.
Breathe- Changing you breath, changes your state of being. You can do this for a minute and feel massive results.
Heart Breathing- Put your hands over your heart and breathe into that space.
Gratitude Practice- Think of 3 things you can be grateful for. Past, present, or future. You can rewire your brain to see the good in life this way.
Visualize- Visualize yourself going about the events you have planned for your day or you can visualize the week, month, year or you life. Visualization is a very strong tool.
Share- Now blast out all the energy you’ve received from you healing and send it out to the people you love. Feel the energy going up and down, pouring out to your family, loved ones, colleagues, clients, friends & even strangers.
Focus & Celebrate- Now imagine the 3 goals you want the most. These are the things that will fulfill you once they’re complete. Now visualize that they’re done. Celebrate that feeling of completion and victory, visualize how it will impact those around you.
Get Ready To Rock- Take a final stretch and go get em tiger!
The great thing about these exercises is that you can spend as little or as much time on them as you like. These are merely suggestions though, take what would work for you, add your own flavor to them or & leave what doesn’t serve you.
Our states of consciousness should come first. When we have an intentional start to our days, we tell ourselves that we are in control. We put our well-being first through some type of self care, which helps to carry us through any difficult challenges that may arise.
energy flows where attention goes
My mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully, embrace worldly travel, and engage in meaningful service to uplift communities wherever we go.