Break ups are world changing. Everyone knows this, but no one can fully comprehend until they’ve experienced one. I jumped into a relationship at 19 which lasted six years. My early adulthood formed surrounded by this person and our way of life together. For those of you that have read my blog before, you know I’ve focused on luxury travel, but it’s been a reallllly long time since I posted last. 2017 was a year to regroup, recharge and remember who I am. It’s time for something new.
Right after my breakup, ads started popping up for Remote Year. Spend a year abroad working remotely with a group of adventurous professionals! The program exists in twenty five cities and five continents. I was intrigued.
Travel and escape sounded very appealing. Any new experience excited me. I was dying to leave Los Angeles.
Still, a year away from family and friends would be difficult, especially considering my emotional state at the time. I was accepted into the program, but I pushed the idea aside. I needed to heal my broken heart.
Until now.
Remote Year added a four-month program located in Asia. I was sold. Not only have I always dreamed of living in Asia, but I felt ready to move forward and on to somewhere new. I was no longer trying to run from something, but towards something.
“What are you running away from?” Everyone in the Remote Year program keeps joking with each other.
Myself and 34 others from all walks of life are traveling together — professionals spanning from early twenties to late forties. We are running towards the world together, excited to broaden our horizons, our perspectives, and find fun and friendship along our journey.
A few months ago I saw a natural doctor, Dr. Sadeghi who told me my current journey is within. His words struck me and I’ve held on to them.
Since I was 19 I have been privileged enough to travel the world in luxury. I lived a fancy lifestyle filled with drivers and security, house keepers and beautiful destinations, gorgeous hotels. But an emptiness often accompanies all the things. I watched others chasing the next big thing, the next party, running to nothing and no real satisfaction or happiness. They keep chasing something they will never find. They explore and travel without, but not within.
It is so easy to slip into routine. The same people, the same restaurants, the same travel locations. The world is enormous. There are 7 billion people out there! There is so much value in taking solo adventures to the places you’ve never even imagined. Explore the unknown! A long time ago I made a promise to myself to live out of my comfort zone. So here I go!!!!
Living in Asia for four months is the complete opposite of what I have previously written about, but whenever I have traveled to third world countries, I’ve always grown and learned so much.
Recently I told a friend I’d be blogging on my Remote Year. He asked me, “Why would you blog when there are so many bloggers, it is so hard to become successful in that space.”
I say, so what? If you go into any industry already comparing yourself to others, what’s the point? The work must come from a place of love and belief. Once again, it’s all about the journey!! You can’t obsess with the end result.
I’ve loved writing since I was in high school. It’s just another way to explore your own thoughts, tell stories and hope that maybe someone else will find value in your experience. Writing is sharing and learning from each other. I want to share with my family, my friends, and I want to share with you.
I’m writing and meditating every morning now. I’ve made a vow to myself to limit my social media time. Remain in the real world and not get sucked back into the fake.
It’s invigorating.
My upcoming posts are definitely going to be more on the raw and authentic side. Talking about breakups, vulnerability, change, etc.
Stay tuned for more stories and more videos of my Eat Pray Love adventures, and I encourage you to do the same. Explore and live and jump out of your comfort zone. Comment below if you’ve ever wanted to escape your daily life and travel the world. Where would you go??
I can’t wait to share this adventure with you!!!
energy flows where attention goes
My mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully, embrace worldly travel, and engage in meaningful service to uplift communities wherever we go.